Santa Clarita Non-Motorized Transportation Plan

The City of Santa Clarita Non-Motorized Transportation Plan will develop a clear vision for the future design and implementation of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, paseos, and trails within the City. By providing more accessible bikeways, trails and paseos, our goal is to encourage more people to bike and walk for everyday needs – this could be biking to your local grocery store, or walking to take public transportation or to another part of the City.

Santa Clarita Non-Motorized Transportation Plan

The City’s 2020 Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (Plan) identified approximately 100 opportunity projects throughout the City. The Plan then assigned a Priority Score by weighing public support during initial outreach efforts, project readiness, cost, etc.


Chapter 7 (page 118) includes a table showing all projects and their ratings. The interactive map to the left shows all existing facilities as well as proposed future improvements.

Non-Motorized Transportation Plan Recommendations

The City’s 2020 Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (Plan) identified approximately 100 opportunity projects throughout the City. The Plan then assigned a Priority Score by weighing public support during initial outreach efforts, project readiness, cost, etc. 

Chapter 7 (page 118) includes a table showing all projects and their ratings. The interactive map to the left shows all existing facilities as well as proposed future improvements.

Orchard Village Road Protected Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility

As part of Santa Clarita’s ongoing commitment to public safety, small dividers will be installed on Orchard Village Road in the coming weeks. This temporary installation will stretch between approximately Lyons Avenue and Mill Valley Road, utilizing the existing roadway shoulder to create a dedicated, safe lane for cyclists and pedestrians. This grant-funded project was based on community input and resulted from a recommended action proposed in the City’s 2020 Non-Motorized Transportation Plan. Orchard Village Road was selected for this temporary demonstration project due to several factors – chiefly the lack of sidewalks for much of the road and its proximity to local neighborhoods, paseos, schools, bike lanes and bike paths – and will utilize the existing shoulder to install barriers to create a more comfortable space to walk, bike and roll.


The system is the first of its kind in the City and will provide a golden opportunity to assess and enhance future pedestrian safety measures without reducing existing traffic lanes. Residents of the community are welcome to provide feedback at here: For more information about the implementation of these barriers, please contact Project Manager Michael Lanzone at (661) 286-4136 or

Saugus Phase I: Bouquet Canyon Trail to Central Park

The Bouquet Canyon Trail project scored high on our list and subsequently received grant funding for design and construction. This project will result in a safe, as well as a healthy, way for pedestrians and cyclists to access Central Park from Bouquet Canyon Road. The trail will be constructed along the south side of Bouquet Creek, allowing users to bypass traffic between Espuella Drive and Central Park. In May of 2021, as part of the City’s Hit the Trail event, residents were invited to preview the route during a Pop-Up Trail event. On August 24, 2022 staff showcased the initial design seeking input from residents during a public meeting.  A copy of the presentation can be found here.